The Daily Greensboring - Daily Blog, News and Commentary from Greensboro, North Carolina en-us Copyright 2005-2007 The Daily Greensboring - 43200 The Daily Greensboring - 385 99 Daily Blog, News and Commentary from Greensboro, North Carolina Mon, 02 Jul 2007 19:20:00 GMT Stubborn or Stupid Mon, 02 Jul 2007 19:13:39 GMT Compliance Sun, 01 Jul 2007 23:08:43 GMT Cruising on High Point Road. High Point Road, used to be my scene. I've done alot of growing up since driving my friends Mustang 112MPH down High Point road, or getting pulled over by no less then the entire GPD force because someone called the cops saying we had guns. (We didn't.) But the other night I found myself back on High Point road with today's teen cruisers. What's sad, is the first thing I thought, was "Wow, talk about a publicity... goldmine!" I had visions of mobile billboard with slapped on it, cruising up and down the road. It was bloody Genius. Then I snapped out of it. So we went and saw Live Free or Die Hard over at Carmike on Wendover. On the way home we wanted to stop off and get a bite to eat, but being that this was the first time we had been out in 5 years, we quickly realized we made a mistake after turning onto High Point road. Thousands of cars with their chrome dubs, blasting stereos, and primered, low-riding imports were zipping up and down the boulevard. I had to explain the whole phenomenon to Shannon, as she was not familiar with the idea, and continually emphasized the stupidity of it regardless of my futile attempt to justify it. No, Cruising is most definitely location specific, and this area, Greensboro & High Point have always been known for their Cruising. Try to explain this to someone who grew up in California, and you'll end up connecting coffee bars, and bonfires on the beach into the whole thing. It's just not something they understand. I suppose if you had to define Cruising from a sociological perspective, you'd find yourself explaining that it's a rite of passage. It's a social celebration of freedom as teenagers get their cars, and congregate on the roadways of the boro. Just as a you'd show off your Easter dress as a child to everyone, the participants in cruising show off their shiny just washed vehicles; it's as though each car walks down their makeshift catwalk, and struts their stuff. It's metaphorical, yet oddly similar, (and just as difficult to explain) as African tribes and their puberty ceremonies. No I... Sun, 01 Jul 2007 01:24:01 GMT Umm.. Christian TV is telemarketing a diet plan? For those of us, so wonderfully connected to Time Warner Cable, turn it to the God Channel.... I think it's #6 on the analog sets. Right now, They're telemarketing a diet plan. The lady who normally prays and shouts is praising the lord for allowing these women the knowledge to invent this organic "God" diet plan. My mouth is dropped. I mean, I always knew they were in it for the money, but isn't this blatant? .... wait, It's $125.00 Freaking dollars... The name... "Ultimate Living Diet".... Googling now... Oh My Fudge Making God.... "God has put this together, with the holy spirit...." I'm so-o becoming a... Fri, 29 Jun 2007 22:45:33 GMT Stupid Meme Fri, 29 Jun 2007 22:37:17 GMT Goats & Electric Fences Reminds you of... Fri, 29 Jun 2007 14:39:45 GMT Newspapers Versus Blogs It's supposed to be 2 different mediums, but I'm trying to stretch the boundaries here a bit in redesigning Greensboring 4.0. One problem I've run into is formating text in a multi-column form simular to that of a newspaper. Believe me, it looks really, really cool. It definitely says: "This Blog is Different", but there's a problem. What if I want to add a youtube video, or a much larger picture? I could preg_replace everything and not have them appear in the column, but appear in the article, but that might prevent those visual readers with a disadvantage. I'm starting to come to the conclusion that it's just not feasible to have "that look" and a functional blog in one... Thu, 28 Jun 2007 13:30:25 GMT NR: Downtown Water Fountains No Longer safe to swim Supposedly, swimming in the downtown park fountains is dangerous. Now the park owners are confused by the number of downtown business people showing up in their bathing suits for a mid-day cool off in the park. But since this is Greensboro, and no one is allowed to have fun, they've decided to fight it with roping off the park, and placing signs. What's the point? It's a park. You "should" be able to play in the... Wed, 27 Jun 2007 20:17:29 GMT Revolution Square - Downtown's Secret Project Alright, I've gotten about 50 emails since posting the possibility that the secret downtown project is in fact no longer a secret. I hoped to get verification before coming forward, but the company has failed to contact me back, so I'm under the assumption the information I'm about to disclaim "is" true, although I've yet to find "the connection" in my last 3 hours of research. Take it with a grain of salt, and go forward; and maybe we can prove, or disprove my "inside information." So on with the show. Project X, The secret multi-use complex isn't Disney, or even Universal as I guessed; but a company called Unicorp National Developments. They're based in Orlando Florida, and commonly solicit local governments in mixed use projects and revitalization. Unicorp works under subsidiaries, and limited liability corporations to keep secrets, and therefore we can only speculate that Greensboro's downtown project is simular to previous projects, and the company's current vision to build "Vegas Themed Condo Hotels" with adjacent retail community. Greensboro's Revolution Square (A name I came up with purely on speculation.) has been sold to the city as an intriguing, and amazing landmark which will bring sex appeal to the City. Demolition and construction is expected to begin by the end of 2008 and take approximately 2 years to complete. Residents can expect a "City Walk" Experience with computerized laser lit water features, terraced villa style shopping, mediterranean outdoor restaurants, and... Wed, 27 Jun 2007 14:15:12 GMT The problem with work. How does a person deal with the intense necessity to blow up ones work, when one requires the wages to pay for house? Blow up work = feel good about thyself but poor. Go to work, and be brain-dead cow in pen = Depressed and can pay... Sun, 24 Jun 2007 16:05:16 GMT The Future of Greensboring I've been working on the new PHPBB software that's out trying to make the changes necessary for when Greensboring goes to the new software. The problem is of course none of the old "stuff" works with the new "stuff" and everything has to be rewritten. It's stupid stuff like RSS feeds, and page optimization that literally is driving me out of my brain! I spent the good part of 3 hours yesterday installing a huge RSS feed suite, only to find out it wouldn't parse half the posts. I'm making slow headway, and hope to have it ready shortly. But things like the blog script which is third party software, is at this current point and time not being modified to work with the new version is leaving me in search of an alternative. I've got a few surprises in store when we actually go live on the new version of Greensboring, and I think it should move the site into a more prominent place in the web and open it up for alot of people who might not normally come to the... Sun, 24 Jun 2007 04:56:13 GMT Kids Mess with Train Tracks and Laugh about it. Sun, 24 Jun 2007 04:40:37 GMT OJ's Unreleased Book for Download? Just when you thought the whole OJ thing was over. TMZ goes and puts a copy on the web of OJ Simpsons book. Now we can all read exactly how it all took place. If you can handle it that... Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:53:01 GMT New TV Show You HAVE to watch: NBC's Chuck Bartowski Word through the grapevine, our family friend Zach Levi will be starring in a new television show this fall on NBC. It's starting to look like Zach has certainly "made it" in the realm of Hollywood, with hits like "Less then Perfect" & "Big Momma's House 2" under his belt. So Becky, in Los Angeles calls us and says, hey did you hear about Zach. We're like "uh no." Zach's got his own show. Indeed he has and it's Called "Chuck Bartowski" and has currently been picked up for a 1/2 season on NBC. Called a spy thriller, the one hour shows will highlight "Chuck" as he obtains top-secret information as a computer hacker, and is then thrust into a life of CIA secret agent. It's the story of the "average Joe" finding himself in less then perfect situations and rising to the challenge to overcome them. In this case Zachary's character Chuck who works at a "Best Buy" knockoff, is forced to become a superhero against international terrorists. Knowing of Zach, I'm left to believe a good deal of comedy will be intertwined with tongue and cheek. More of a "Austin Powers" then a Jack Bauer in 24. I've got to admit, we've watched Zach's career unfold, but never like "less then perfect" all that much. This show seems to be intelligent, interesting, and uniquely satirical, in a way, that, I look forward to the... Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:10:59 GMT The most Incredible Breakfast you've ever seen! Forget Wheaties. This morning I set out to make the most insane, incredible, wonderful, calorie loaded, gut-gluttony breakfast ever known to mankind. I'd like to say I invented this breakfast, but I must give credit where credit is due, and tell you this is highly influenced by Tommy Koulax's world famous restaurant in Los Angeles. This sandwich takes all those special K commercials where some skinny bitch is losing weight to fit into a skinny black dress, and shoves it up her special arse. The trick here, as always is Chili. I just happened to have made some the night before and had it in the fridge ready to assemble the breakfast sandwich hereby known as the the King of unhealthy breakfast sandwiches. This Egg McMuffin style sandwich does a karate kid crane kick to the mouth of most breakfast sandwiches available. First get...