MARS bar Muffin Recipe
by Liv | Published on June 18th, 2009, 6:23 pm | Food
I know it has been a while since I put out a truly unique, full fat-recipe.... due in part to the book, and among other things.... me trying to lose weight.... but I had to make these... had to.... and so, without further ado, I'm back.... with a unique Mars Bar Muffin Recipe.
What is a Mars Bar Muffin? I've mentioned it before online. They're commonplace in the U.K. as the Brits have some odd food fetish with Mars Bars. The moment I landed this last time, I made a direct exit from the plane door and into a confectionery store for my long missed Mars Muffin. It's a chocolate, carmel, nuggety muffin made with all the flavors of the traditional Mars bar, and topped in milk chocolate... It's a win, win... for anyone who has a fondness of either muffins or chocolate, or both together.
There's one itty, bitty problem with making Mars bars muffins while geographically located in North Carolina: Since you can't technically buy Mars bars anymore, and more importantly, even if you could.... the American version isn't the European version.... how do you make Mars Muffins? Option "one" involves a 7.5 hour flight to Heathrow, then back again.... which of course I'd gladly do, except for the absorbent amount of money involved.... or option "B" use Milky Way.
Let me tell you... This is about as on the mark as you can get in copy cat recipes.... except these are better, because you can eat them warm right out of the oven.... So until my work visa comes through, I shall share my lovely, anglophile Mars Bar Muffin Recipe so that you to can enjoy the joys and wonders of my favorite across the pond treat.
Mars Muffin Recipe:
8 Fun Size Mars Bars (MilkyWay in the U.S.) 4.62oz
7 oz of dipping chocolate. (I used Baker's microwavable)
2½ cups of all-purpose Flour
1¼ teaspoon baking powder
2 cups sugar
¼ teaspoon of baking soda
¾ teaspoon of salt
1½ sticks softened butter
1 cup of non-fat buttermilk
2 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
non-fat cooking spray
1 cup of egg white substitute
1/2 cup of "Dutch" dark chocolate cocoa
1) So cut up the candy bars into chunks (about 1/8)
2) Mix with sugar, (sifted) flour, baking soda, powder, butter, vanilla, buttermilk, cocoa & vanilla.
3) Mix with electric mixer well, then pour into cupcake pan sprayed with non-fat spray.
4) Bake for approx 25 minutes at 350F in preheated oven.
5) Allow to cool, then dip muffin-tops into melted chocolate