Burger King Secret yields $2 Triple Whopper with Cheese!
by Liv | Published on November 6th, 2009, 3:12 pm | Food
Mark this one under, Liv is a fatty.... a genius fatty, but a fatty none-the-less.
Some people just love Whoppers. Shannon and her family have some internal genetic need for Whoppers, and more than a few family stories have come from within the walls of a Burger King. In fact, I think the first meal Shannon's father ever took me out to, after we (me and Shan, not me and Dad... cuz that's er weird.) began dating, was, Burger King.
So fast forward to 2009. Everyone is out of work, food is expensive, and Burger King is offering their Double Cheeseburgers for .99, right? "Rubbish" you say! "I don't want no double cheeseburger, I want a Whopper." I want it with cheese, and lettuce, and tomatoes.... and since I'm special, I always want mustard. But you can't afford it. They're $2.99 and you have only $2.00 and that left-over £5 note from your last vacation to Europe.... I suppose you could bargain with the order taker... hope they're planning a vacation? Other wise you're going to have to resort to my Ghetto Triple Whopper...
1. Buy 1 Whopper JR for .99
2. Buy 1 Double Cheeseburger for .99
3. Lose one of the burgers lids, place one on top of the other, and stand back in awe of your new creation....
4. Chuckle and laugh at your $1.98 Triple Whopper with Cheese!!!!
...and what's more, it tastes better than a "original" Whopper. It's never going to be quite as good as a McDonald's quasi Big Boy but if you like Whoppers, and are really, really hungry... then this is the ticket.