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Re: Inside a NC Turkey Production Plant

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 7:09 pm
by Matt
turkey sandwich with tomato after Thanksgiving ... best leftovers in the world.

Re: Inside a NC Turkey Production Plant

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 7:59 pm
by A Person
Liv wrote:Oh there's irony... A huge ugly, mean T-rex that eats boulders and (expletive) stonehenge, evolves into a little furry bird who then subsequently gets squished by man's mechanical dinner machine.
T-Rex wasn't on the evolutionary pathway to birds, that honour most likely goes to velociraptor of Jurassic Park fame (or something like it)
Does that make you feel happier about eating them?

Ans yes BHL we know, "all science is fake and made up just to prop up Darwin's theory" because we all worship Satan Darwin.

Re: Inside a NC Turkey Production Plant

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 8:12 pm
by BecauseHeLives
Ans yes BHL we know, "all science is fake and made up just to prop up Darwin's theory" because we all worship Satan Darwin.

Ok person... this is your only warning. we're talking about turkeys and dinosaurs here. Get it?


Re: Inside a NC Turkey Production Plant

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 9:04 pm
by Liv
Remember the story about the chicken that was beheaded, and lived a few years....

Just think about that as a T-rex...

Re: Inside a NC Turkey Production Plant

PostPosted: September 25th, 2007, 9:56 pm
by A Person
Ahh you mean Mike the Headless Chicken

Somehow I doubt a T-Rex would so easily find a volunteer to drop chunks of flesh down its gaping gullet

Re: Inside a NC Turkey Production Plant

PostPosted: September 26th, 2007, 9:31 am
by Matt
mmmm.... T-rex hot wings.

PETA takes on KFC again

PostPosted: February 10th, 2008, 7:37 am
by RebelSnake
PETA Opposes Tribute to Fried Chicken
Posted: 2008-02-10 01:55:51
Filed Under: Business News, Nation News, Weird News
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Feb. 9) - Animals rights advocates are squawking at a measure that would make fried chicken Kentucky's official picnic food.

State Rep. Charles Siler is sponsoring legislation to assign the designation to KFC's "finger lickin' good" chicken, first served by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1940.

The late colonel's fried chicken deserves the title because of the worldwide attention and economic benefit it has brought to the state, Siler said. KFC, a subsidiary of Louisville-based Yum Brands Inc., has 11,000 restaurants in more than 80 countries.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals bristles at the idea. The animal rights group claims that the chickens KFC serves are abused, even tortured.

"If the state legislature moves forward with this one, then they should change Kentucky's state bird from the cardinal to the debeaked, crippled, scalded, diseased, dead chicken," said Bruce Friedrich, PETA vice president.

PETA has been involved in a long-standing battle with KFC, and even began a push two years ago to have a bust of the bespectacled Colonel Sanders removed from the Kentucky Capitol. Sanders, with his white goatee and black string tie, became recognizable worldwide by marketing his fried chicken.

Stop waterboarding the chickins!!!

Re: PETA takes on KFC again

PostPosted: February 10th, 2008, 10:41 am
by IgnoranceIsBliss
Chickins? :lol:

This is ridiculous....

Re: PETA takes on KFC again

PostPosted: February 10th, 2008, 10:58 am
by Liv
Reminds me of this post:

Re: PETA takes on KFC again

PostPosted: February 10th, 2008, 12:40 pm
PETA is an outright fraud. They extract money from organizations like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They will not address issues unless there is a large corporation that they can bribe or extract money from for their organization. They did absolutey nothing about the dogs that were thrown off bridges by the hundreds by the Mayor in Guyama, Puerto Rico. As matter fact the representative from PETA there is a relative of the political machine and kept her mouth shut.... Please refer back to story run by CNN about 2-4 months ago. It is a disgrace, alot of dogs were still alive in bags sufferring from being thrown over the bridges by the hundreds. Where was PETA on that?! Please start commenting on this and blogging, we need your help and donations! The Humane Society run by a nurse who retired from the army and moved there to retire but took up this huge task instead and runs a NON-Kill sanctuary in Guyama saving all the dogs that are stray, and have been discarded by the people there, 16 hours a day.

I have to tell you, Puerto Rico, which is the United States filled with Pedigree, McDonalds, Burger King, and the rest have done nothing to help us or donate even food to help us. Please help us, and spread the word. I can send you pictures, and her home number is 787-866-0091 & her cell number is 787-217-2336 (Leave messages of support!). Please get involved. It is a stand alone non-profit and our prayers need to be answered. My home number is 845-563-0397, and my cell number is 845-674-3946 if you want to speak to me to verify everything and make sure it is legitimate. Donations are deductible and every penny is spent on the dogs for medical needs, vetinary assistance, shots, neuturing, food, shelter on the sanctuary land. Please I am praying and begging you. It is ready to collapse, and these crooked politicians are trying everything in their crooked political power to close it down and make it disappear. The killlings of thousands of these dogs as reported on CNN is happening daily...I am pleading to all of you. This is a noble cause and the "phony" PETA organization has done nothing to assist, not even help to make it known as you can see when CNN reported it nationally to everyone, they made no comment. I beg of you, this woman and her husband Rafael Cintron are from New York originally and have dedicated their lives to this noble caring cause. EVERY PENNY GOES TO THE DOGS, NOT ONE CENT IS WASTED LIKE ALL OF THE OTHER CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS WHO PAY THEIR CEOs MILLIONS.....

Ricki A. DeSantis
9 ElizaLiv Lane
New Windsor New York 12553

Send donations to:
Humane Societe for Animals/Canita of the Divine Mercy Sanctuary, Inc.
Send to the attention of:
Carmen Cintron, President
419 Calle Atenea Street
Urbane Jardines de Monteoolivio
Guayama, Puerto Rico 00784.

Finger Licking good.

PostPosted: April 19th, 2009, 2:04 pm
by Liv

Like Chicken?

PostPosted: September 1st, 2009, 8:59 pm
by eddiebuckle
Food for thought the next time you consume chicken or eggs.

Open Video In New Window

I know I do and most of the readers do as well. There is a price for cheap food.

Re: Like Chicken?

PostPosted: September 2nd, 2009, 6:17 am
by Liv
There was a video similar to this from a local plant some time ago. It really is sad, and honestly in this case I would think genetic manipulation to produce the desired gender could benefit the industry. I doubt we will ever see a day when practices such as these aren't common in the industry. We can't even get locals to stop breeding pit bulls, for dog fighting.... and in many ways we're just as barbaric as tossing gladiators into a roman coliseum and watching them die.

Mankind could choose many changes all of which they know would be healthier for them, and kinder to nature and other beings... but we choose not to, not due to ignorance, but because we know the consequences yet continue the behavior the creates them.

Personally, if the whole world went vegan this moment... I'd be fine. Sure I'd have some days where I miss my Johnson's Burger, but just like smoking... I'd deal with it... Unfortunately, meat, unlike cigarettes are not something I've chosen to actively give up for various reasons, and I therefore perpetuate the cruelty to animals.