You are over complicating a very simple issue.
Should people be allowed to kill baby's while its in the mothers womb or not?
I say they shouldn't unless it's a life or death situation and in that scenario the choice should be left to the mother.
Questioner wrote:ecofox wrote:What gray area?
How do you define it?
First of all, perhaps we do agree on one thing: There are situations in which abortion is the only way to save the life of the mother, and I enumerated several of those in my earlier post. Do we agree that those situations are not grey areas and that both you and I agree that abortion is morally justified in those situations? I hope so.
If the mother will die if the child is born. Then the choice should be left to the mother.
However you feel people should be able to abort on whim.
Just because they
feel that the child will be a parasite and an emotional and financial drain in there life.
They are selfish and want to have sex without responsibility.
All they care for is themselves.
So they build a fantasy to justify their actions. Which hurt themselves and others.
Octomom is a bad example. Why would you cite someone who implants 7 embryos (one split into twins) in her womb risking her life and the lives of those inside of her?
She choose this.
Vitro Fertilization
In Vitro Fertilization is commonly referred to as IVF. IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. When the IVF procedure is successful, the process is combined with a procedure known as embryo transfer, which is used to physically place the embryo in the uterus.
This insanity should be made illegal. Just have sex, or adopt a kid. There are many lonely kids in foster care.
We kill, and we implant.
Stop being so selfish!
Does this mean that when a woman is found to be pregnant with 4, 5, or 8 fetuses you believe it is wrong to abort all but 2?
How do they get like that?
In Vitro Fertilization? Here, make it illegal. Problem solved. Too many kids are in foster home's where nobody care for them.
Millions of kids are out there dying of starvation. Care, open your heart!
Because as I said earlier, Nadia is one in a million... So do you consider it better to let all of them die rather than abort all but 2 of the fetuses?
She choose to implant 7 embryos. That is suicidal, and foolish. Do you want to implant 7 embryos and then kill all but 2?
How about don't implant in the first place!
Second, there are situations in which the physical life of the mother is not immediately threatened, but her health is at great risk. These may be considered grey areas by some people. Not by me. I believe a woman has a right to take whatever action is necessary, including abortion, to preserve her health.
If they want to be so
selfish don't have sex.
No sex, no baby's!
If they get raped then kill the rapist, or neuter him and stuff him in a slave camp.
But leave the child alone!
These are just a couple of the complications of pregnancy which can lead to permanent liver or kidney failure for the mother if the pregnancy is not terminated. But as “A Person” said, you aren’t interested in the truth. You only care about pushing your anti-woman agenda. So I won’t bother to enumerate all the potential pregnancy complications that can leave the woman physically damaged for life, and often shorten her life significantly.
You don't believe in Truth. You think it relative and depends upon your perspective. Which has already been proven
I am Pro-life you are Pro-death.
I think one should support the women and child.
You think one should kill the child and leave the women to fend for herself.
I suspect you don’t consider profound depression and suicidal ideation to be a reason for abortion. Some women do, in fact, get so depressed during pregnancy that they are at extremely high risk for suicide. ... You would rather take the chance that she won’t successfully kill herself during the pregnancy. But remember, if she does kill herself, the fetus dies anyway.
So your solution would be kill the fetus and she will feel happy and go on to live a life full of joy and wonder?
Most likely she will be even more depressed and then kill herself.
Although pregnancy weakens suicidal impulses, there is strong evidence that abortion dramatically increases the risk of suicide. According to a 1986 study by researchers at the University of Minnesota, a teenage girl is 10 times more likely to attempt suicide if she has had an abortion in the last six months than is a comparable teenage girl who has not had an abortion.(2) Other studies have found similar statistical significance between a history of abortion and suicide attempts among adults. Thus, the actual data suggests that abortion is far more likely to drive an unstable woman to suicide than is pregnancy and childbirth. ... uicide.aspDoes killing baby's makes everything better?