Lesbian Rehab: Hate in Action
by Liv | Published on October 6th, 2009, 6:59 am | Religion
Some of you whom have followed my writings throughout the years will know about the "Lesbian Rehab" incident. Some of you don't. We never really elaborated on it because at the time we were so sickened by the idea that I think the we just wanted to put it out of our minds. Fast Forward 10 years, and I had to do some research on the place for some non-greensboring writing I was doing. Suddenly the past is back. Me and Shan can laugh at it now, and say "how sad" for our family and friends without suffering too much emotional recall these days.
So in case you're wondering, the place which is nicknamed "Camp Exodus" is "Love in Action International" in Tennessee. Go on, have a laugh. 10 Years ago, it was a small off shoot of a ministry Shannon's best friends were associated with which was concentrating on reforming lesbian, or glutenous (fatties) young women into wholesome skirt below the knee Christians who only go down to pray. It's where Christian families who suddenly find out that their children our gay, pay to send their kids, as if they were drug addicts or alcoholics.
Of course the intervention was interesting. They showed up at Shannon's work with a brochure a contract to sign and airplane tickets for her to leave the next day.
It's still hard to believe to this day, people we considered family and friends acted in such a way. I feel sorry for the thousands of teenagers out their being shoved on a plane because of their sexual orientation.
In October 2005, the father of 17-year old DJ Butler drove him to the camp in handcuffs.[15] In February 2006, Tennessee authorities, unwilling to pursue further actions against Love in Action, closed the case via
When Shannon came home after the "intervention" which ended up disgusting her, I clearly remember the words that came out of my mouth: "Can I come?"
See, you fly off several dozen lesbians to camp in the middle of the backwoods of Tennessee, and what do you have? I'm not sure, but it sounds like a fantasy to some... including the creepy christian people who run the place. Unlike Alice in Wonderland this is one looking glass I'm glad we never walked through.