Liv wrote:SFI is doomed into ridicule on this one... an excerpt from my July/August issue of 'Fast Company':
When Martin Lindstrom, a brand consultant and author of Buyology: The Truth and Lies About Why We Buy, examined those brains under a functional magnetic-resonance-imaging scanner, he discovered that Apple devotees are indistinguishable from those committed to Jesus.
Curious. I loathe anything apple. I've owned a few of their products and found them restrictive, unappealing and over-priced. I tend to own open source, modifiable P.C.s and alternative hardware that can be upgraded rather than disposed of. Then again, I'm not big on religion either....
Well, I agree with you on one thing a point. I like open source too. Are there any linux/bsd/unix users/enthusiasts here? Those of us who are computer savvy enough understand the benefits of open source. However, the average family with a kid or two that use M$ Winbloze at home is used in schools and the workplace and sometimes neccessitates to use M$ for compaitibilty's sake. For the most part, they are clueless to open source and quite frankly don't have time to fiddle and tweak with open source to get some things to work, let alone keeping M$ Winbloze working. I have used open source os' like Red Hat, Fedora, Mandriva, Ubuntu, Suse for a long time. As far as linux goes, it has come a long way. In my opinion, Ubuntu is the best, most user friendly distro out there. I have heard Mint is a good one too. Once my kids are grown and out of the house and I retire, I will dump M$ and go to open source. As you stated, I can buy off the shelf computer hardware and build my own. As far as Apple goes, yeah, they are a little more pricey and proprietary. But for busy professionals who want a stable platform (the Mac OS is based on BSD, a type or unix) , which very stable and secure, more so than M$ Winbloze, and don't have time to tweak open source, then Apple is the way to go.