The Heart of a Time Lord.
by Liv | Published on January 29th, 2009, 2:10 pm | Life
So we're going through Grandma's & Grandpa's house this last week. I didn't want money, only recipes and genealogy stuff. Most things of importance had been snatched up by the family anyways. Shannon got digging and found this unassuming little pouch.... Clearly everyone else had assumed it was a coin-bag, or something worthless. She opened it and we both turned to each other and said in unison "The heart of a time-lord", "OMG!"... of course this got us laughing, on top of already crying!!! It was truly a find.Inscribed on the outer casing was "E.S." which we assume was for "Emil Schnabel" my great-grandfather, whom we know was a railroad employee after immigrating to the U.S. from Germany. What I love about the piece though is on the chain there's a piece inscribed with the initials "T.N." which we assume is for Theresa Nutto, his wife. Love. It's really a beautiful thing....
Unfortunately the piece doesn't work anymore. I'm thinking about seeing if I could get it fixed... but It's almost fitting that it doesn't...