RDU Emotional Recall
by Liv | Published on November 10th, 2009, 3:34 pm | Travel
So at 8am, we dropped the kids off to school. Punched RDU into the GPS and headed off east towards the airport. I've made this trip a lot in the last two years. Rather than us going somewhere, today, we we're picking up family. I really didn't expect the trip to trigger such emotions, but something touched me deep inside the moment we showed up at the terminal.
There it was, our international terminal. Just hours before a plane would arrive that would later take off and go to London. In fact I believe, the only thing that kept me from rushing to the ticket counter and demanding the first ticket available was the fact that a) I wouldn't have had enough money in my account to purchase it, and b) they probably would have immediately escorted me off the property as the crazy woman who screaming and crying laid her body on the tile floor, dug her nails into the tiles, and put up such a fight that blood ran from her fingertips.
See there's something in the air there. Then again maybe it's just emotional recall. The way in acting we're told to create "real" emotions by using emotional events in our life to recall those feelings. Like the death of a parent, to bring about an emotional response to a fictional death on stage. See standing there in that terminal brought back all the emotion attached with our travels of the last two years.
Now being that those travels are both what made me who I am, and at the same time corrupted me so much to the root of my core, having to endure those emotions was both a blessing and a burden. There is nothing, and I mean nothing I want more than to be "there" right now. The mere fact that I could taste it, smell it in the air, be but within feet of touching that which touched me so deep made me wonder, am I completely broken? Am I completely cracked in the head. Do I need some crackin medication for this? Will I ever be able to step in an airport again without completely breaking down in tears?