Norris Dam State Park, Tennessee
by Liv | Published on March 22nd, 2006, 10:08 pm | Travel

Good old Norris Dam. It's been over 20 years since I've set foot on her massive concrete walls. Built by the TVA (the Tennessee valley authority) in the 30's, it help bring jobs to thousands of unemployed following the stock market crash.

The most interesting thing about Norris dam is the city that is actually below the water behind the dam. When I was little and we would come to the park and vacation, they used to show a film that actually showed the town, and the filling of the dam. It was quite a sight. I was hoping they might have it on DVD when we visited the ranger station but, nope. Anyhow. this is still a magnificent sight, and thought of how, many peoples lives, were changed by this dam, and that still below the murky blue water sits homes, yards, trees, and maybe even cars, furniture and the remnants of peoples lives, preserved in time. Norris Dam is a beautiful example of spirit and perseverance of mankind.