Las Vegas's Stratosphere Roller Coaster
by Liv | Published on July 19th, 2006, 6:34 pm | Travel

For a short time after living in California, and before moving back to North Carolina, I lived in a city in Arizona called Bullhead City. The city is only 90 miles south of Las Vegas, & made getting to sin city, a easy a convenient trip. While we did make several drives to the known center of gambling in the universe, we were uncompromisingly poor when we lived there.

One of the things we failed to ever do was go to the Stratosphere theme park which sits atop the tallest casino in Las Vegas. The stratosphere looks like a giant space needle, but is actually a hotel. On the top of the hotel they built a roller-coaster (Sky Coaster) and several other rides that would leave even the least fear-of-heights individuals in a complete panic.

So for the longest time, I've expected one day to read that the riders of the roller coaster on top of the Stratosphere Casino would plummet to their death in the ultimate of theme park carnage. It hasn't happened yet but it's bound to happen.

Maybe that's why I never road the stratosphere roller-coaster? Maybe my experience inside of Las Vegas casinos has taught me that the casino always will come out on top, and within every safety inspection of every nut that holds the huge amusement park to the top of the stratosphere tower, there is a probability to make mistakes, and that one mistake may shoot me off the top of the casino in a blazing stream of coaster cars in the most uneventful of deaths.
Then again maybe that's the way to go?