Bavarian Yodler wrote: Get the document blown up so you can carefully read all letters or I can. Shouldn't be a problem then to translate your document. / Bavarian Yodler / Tiroler Echo
Agree it would be better from a clearer the following out of it as is:
Number 104
German Empire
Kingdom of Wuerttemberg (now a state of Germany)
Certification of home city (similar to a passport)
From the undersigned office is:
Karl Emil Schnabel
Born on the 18th of May 1890 in Ober........(Town in the)
Gemeinde (town belonging to) Unter....... near Weinberg
For the purpose of visiting a foreign country it is certified that the same (person) and
through ????? is a Wuerttemberger
This document is only good up until 1 January 1910 (initials/name for correction made)
(Rough translated: this is just for traveling and has no effect on the bearers citizenship under agreements that the German Empire has made)
Weinsberg, the 23rd of May 1909
Royal Wuerttemberg's Office
//signed// Feurer
Small print below the seal can't be deciphered, but should just be bureaucratic disclaimer and form letter instruction type verbiage
Appears to be his passport to leave the country as a German issued when he was 19 years old