How to turn your Kitchen into Posh on the cheap!
by Liv | Published on March 27th, 2009, 3:37 pm | Advice
Many people wonder if I've lost my mind. Friends are giving me that look, like I'm completely insane not looking for work and running off to Cardiff. I tell them I'm taking some time off.... and frankly I'm getting a lot done. Walls are patched ready for some paint, some plumbing that was needed is done, did a full synthetic oil change on the "Tortoise" (Taurus) and replaced the thermostat. Ordered and had the new fridge delivered. Installed the new home theater. The last two weeks I've been working on the Kitchen cabinets. It's a lot of work, but it's paying off big time. I have to strip each one, clean it, sand it, re-paint it and then seal it. It's a big change in our Kitchen compared to the "Granny" wood stained cabinet from the 1980s.Here's the old cabinets and their "Get off my lawn" knobs, handles and hardware.
Here's a finished set of drawers on the other side of the Kitchen with their brushed stainless look hardware. Using a "Ebony" cabinet paint, I really like the new look and can't wait till it's all done!
With it raining, I've had to slow down my assembly line... Here's a couple cabinet doors I'm working on right now.
And of course the new fridge. It's much bigger than the 10 cu. ft. model I was planning to buy, but I couldn't pass up this deal on a stainless look fridge with the same power consumption as the smaller model. Using Lowes 10% mover's coupon, I got the thing for $450 delivered, brand new.
All in all, the cabinet process has been a learning experience. I thought I could do it cheaper then what it's costing but it's still not too bad. Paint, brushes, drop-cloth and mistakes have cost me around $100-$150 dollars. You can really go crazy on the cabinet hardware, as some of the designs are $5.00 a piece and even in my small kitchen, I need 9 knobs, and 12 handles.