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Top Gear USA, Sucks.

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 6:29 pm
by Liv
top gear sucks.jpg
Okay we've got to talk about this. Last night was the premier of the American version of the British show "Top Gear" called "Top Gear USA". I just finished watching it with Chance, and while I'm still open to the possibility of my opinion changing, personally, I thought it sucked. It appears to be regurgitated content with new commenters, who might come across as "posers" to most of the automotive community. Sure Tanner has some credentials, but they're the wrong kind. In my opinion they went wrong in not hiring a automotive journalist. Instead we have a drifter, an analyst, (cough NASCAR reporter) and a actor. We would have done better with that guy on Youtube who builds dirt hills and jumps his Geo Tracker over them. This is more like 'Dancing With The Stars' but for cars.

I kept waiting for a twist in the segment where they were racing "3 bulls": Lamborghinis being dragged race. That's just it, there was none. I could go visit track day with the NC Lambo club and see the same thing. I fully expected them to pull some twist out at the end similarly to the original Top Gear where a modified Ford Taurus comes screeching up behind them and surprises us all. It didn't happen. Hell Buzz Aldrin didn't even get in a fist fight with anyone.

My prediction: It will get canceled. My hope: is it gets better.

It's nice to see British telly come to America, but doing so apparently means a faked, unbelievable automotive show populated by a pretty Hollywood face, a stunt car driver, and some numb-nuts whose job involves coolers, rednecks and Mark Martin crashing and who all lack the ability to identify with car enthusiasts.

Oh and FYI, Viper is sooooo 90s... So not a car that a real person would own or a proper producer would use in a premier of Top Gear USA. What's next? Knight Rider? Wait that's actually a good idea.

Re: Top Gear USA, Sucks.

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2010, 10:05 am
by Sanjuro
I'm waiting to watch this.

Fact is, the on-screen chemistry is what makes Top Gear so good. If they didn't replicate that, there's no point in continuing.

Re: Top Gear USA, Sucks.

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2010, 12:08 pm
by Liv
Well apparently thats why they chose these 3 people, and yes there was a chemistry but it wasn't Top-Gear chemistry. They all seemed, bonded by the experience of the show rather than the topic. There was no sabotage, no "Captain Knob" taped on the side of cars. That's what makes the original so funny, so entertaining.

And again, I may be proven wrong... but I don't see these guys as tinkerers... building cars that float and such. I fully admit I could be wrong, I just don't see it.

Re: Top Gear USA, Sucks.

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2010, 12:51 pm
by A Person
Neither is Jeremy Clarkson a tinkerer. Clarkson couldn't drive a Landrover to the top of a mountain without 6 sensible guys to keep getting him unstuck. Clarkson is an opinionated twat, Hammond is a cocky twerp, May is a dweeb (and the one I identify most closely with) - but together it works.

Most of the time that is - some of the shows were just embarrassing (the drive across the Southern States for example) and it's usually when they try too hard. I'm sure Clarkson could find someone in Louisiana to throw rocks at him without painting 'Man Love' on his car. Just being himself in a bar and giving his honest opinion on American cars would do it.

The only connection the US version of the show has is the name, three guys and some cars. I've only seen the trailer but it's a loser.

It's like the cool wall - we may not agree on what is really cool - but we can all agree the PT Cruiser isn't, even if it has four wheels and an engine just like an Aston Martin.

Re: Top Gear USA, Sucks.

PostPosted: November 25th, 2010, 2:26 pm
by gedster314
Man does the show blow. There is no chemistry what so ever. About the only high light was realizing that one of the test tracks was at the old Eltoro airfield, my own backyard. At least this show isn't alone, even the Australian TopGear bites.

Hopefully the new season of the real TopGear will start soon so I can forget about this abortion of show. Will American TV ever get a British show right? Thank god for usent and torrents so I can watch the real thing.

Re: Top Gear USA, Sucks.

PostPosted: November 25th, 2010, 2:44 pm
by A Person
gedster314 wrote:Will American TV ever get a British show right?

No - why do they keep trying?

What's wrong with Americans watching a British show - everyone else has to watch American shows. You don't see the BBC bringing out a version of Hawaii 5-0 based in the Isle of Wight.

gedster314 wrote:Hopefully the new season of the real TopGear will start soon

Even the genuine Top Gear has jumped the shark, they're trying too hard now

Re: Top Gear USA, Sucks.

PostPosted: November 25th, 2010, 4:59 pm
by Liv
A Person wrote:What's wrong with Americans watching a British show - everyone else has to watch American shows.

I realize what I'm about to say may sound like Livvy stupidfying America again, but I honestly think it's the language barrier. The #1 comment I hear when I make recommendations, or talk to people who watch stuff on PBS is the difficulty in understanding the British. It's their accent, and the variants there of. (Welsh, English, Scottish and sub-dialects).

Re: Top Gear USA, Sucks.

PostPosted: November 30th, 2010, 6:36 pm
by Liv
I've never wanted to see a show cancelled more than this one... They made fun of women, Brits, and blind people in the last episode. I swear the producers must be based in a trailer park.

Re: Top Gear USA, Sucks.

PostPosted: December 7th, 2010, 9:29 pm
by hockeycomms
The people are not funny and they sound like they are reading something off of a script. Why would they drive a viper? It sucks. I just think they should get rid of the people and get new ones or just cancel the show. I hope the BBC one comes back. The whole USA top gear is just really cheesy.