Doctor Who Exhibition, Cardiff
by Liv | Published on March 19th, 2009, 6:18 pm | Arts
I wanted to save this post for the weekend since I had a video to post and I know most have to get home before they can access Youtube. So here it is... The Dr Who Cardiff Exhibition post.
So on Monday, we boarded a Great Western purple train sat in the quiet carriage and road off into the beautiful British countryside. Two hours later we were in Cardiff. As I mentioned in the Cardiff post the Doctor Who exhibition was but one of many things we did. It's actually in the the Red Dragon Center, sort of a mall, entertainment megaplex, with food, bowling, theaters.... and of course the Doctor Who exhibit.... this, all which is directly opposite the famed Millennium Center the ultimate "Who" landmark in Cardiff.
It's relatively cheap... If memory serves me about £10 a person... and it's worth every pence. Bring your gold card... because there's a fully stocked Doctor Who & Torchwood store at the completion of your visit. Believe me, they're going to be out of stock of Captain Jack merchandise for some time to come, thanks to me.
One of the coolest things about the Doctor Who Exhibit is the soundtrack. As you walk through it has the full-original Doctor Who score, which makes you feel like you're apart of the tv show. It also helps that there's 15 foot tall murals of David Tennant looking dreamy staring at you.
Unfortunately just like in North Carolina, the ugly guys are there to hit on you too...
Good thing we knew a secret passageway to escape to a different part of the exhibition!
Shannon of course later hooked up with a cyberman... then decided it "just didn't feel right."
Six phallic head man did even less to impress....
I've so got to get an outfit like that! The sparkly one... not the jumpsuit on the pig-man.
Finally Shannon discovers the perfect love for her... Someone who will serve her every whim... an Ood!
So I mean, I get the whole "Wizard of Oz" connection in Doctor Who... I really do. What was odd was in order for us to go on our trip to Oz. The wicked witch literally had to come get Toto. I can't explain how it is things like this happen, they just do.
You don't know how bad I wanted to jump up on the mirrored time machine display and pretend I'm Donna!
Don't turn around, Don't blink!!! The Doctor Who exhibit wouldn't have been complete without this guy. It's hands down probably my second favorite episode in the whole series. The first... is of course... Doomsday. In fact I feel like Rose every time I have to leave the U.K.... Third favorite... series finale on 4rth Season....
I couldn't forget about K-9!!! Which subsequently makes me think about Mickey... and the fact that almost every black guy in Cardiff looked like him... it was bit odd.
Of course the finale of the Doctor Who exhibition is the Daleks. (see above video) Really cool! Afterwards we spent a good 70 quid on a Torchwood Poster for moi, and some "secret" birthday presents for Chance's upcoming birthday.
After leaving the Doctor Who exhibition we dropped by Torchwood 3 for a unique photo opportunity:
and then to another Torchwood filming location, Castle Cardiff:
and TW3's front door:
You might also recognize this restaurant from Doctor Who:
Or several others from the show in the same shopping complex:
We ate at one of them and loved it! Shannon got a bit tipsy on the wine and thought she was flying in a Tardis...
The minutes were counting, and soon we had to make it back to the train station to head back to London... It was tough saying goodbye...
I began to cry.... by the time we got back into London, my mascara was down my face and all I could hear in my head was this...
All in all, I'm glad we got to embrace our inner child... it was a truly incredibly fun experience...