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Superman Man of Steel is Jesus

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Postby Liv » Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:19 am

religion in superman.jpg

Superman Man of Steel is Jesus

superman is jesus.jpg
Okay when I wrote Santa is Jesus, I honestly didn't take it seriously, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that, Yes... I'm onto something here, and there is a lot of correlations. Today I was struck with the same thought with Superman. You see the company I work for is releasing a product in a few days based on the New "Superman Man of Steel" movie, set to release this summer. In order to get us little minions psyched about selling this product, the building is covered top to bottom in movie posters for the new movie. The poster pictures Superman with his head down, his arms out, rising into the sky. The first thing I thought is: "that's Jesus", and literally I'm not joking, it is. If the poster had a cross behind the image of Superman, then it would match exactly. It's more than just coincidence, it is the basis for the movie Superman.

Think about it, Superman comes to earth: Jesus comes to earth. Super human strength: Jesus's miraculous powers. It's Jesus people!!!

Even word play takes place:

Mary / Martha = M
Joseph / John = J
Lex Luther / Lucifer = L

Maybe I've been just kept out of the loop, but I totally see it now!

When I got home I googled, and discovered someone else had already come to this conclusion:

Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, both Jewish, invented Superman in the late 1930's as a typically Jewish mythical hero. Jews were being oppressed by Adolph Hitler at that time and Superman or Super-Jew was their answer to Hitler. The "S" on Superman's shirt also stands for the last names of his creators. Superman comes from the planet Krypton -which sounds like "Tikkum olam" a Hebrew concept of restoring the world's wrongs. Joanne, the wife of the late Jerry Siegel, says she had often heard about the Jewish connection to Superman. Jerry Siegel is listed in the book Jewish 100 as one of the 100 most influential Jews of all time. He is listed along with Moses, Henry Kissinger and Steven Spielberg.

The Jerusalem Post quotes Daniel Schifrin of the US National Federation for Jewish Culture as saying, "The older I got the more I saw there was something profoundly Jewish about Superman, that he was one of us." He further states, "Like Clark Kent we've been Diaspora Jews for so long, being viewed as timid and bookish when underneath there are fierce Hebrew warriors doing God's work."

The 1978 movie was an 80 million dollar blockbuster - a phenomenon in its day. It was written by Mario Puzo (The God Father) and David Newman (Shena) and, of course, based on the comic book series by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

The movie Superman essentially retells the life of Jesus Christ -the ultimate Super Jew. Richard Donner, the director of Superman, had just completed filming The Omen (1976) which was a film about the Antichrist.

When Superman was released in Communist China in 1985 the Worker's Daily called Superman "a brave hero of incomparable strength who clearly distinguishes what to love and hate and culls strength from weakness." Sounds very Christ-like to me.
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Postby Guest » Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:53 am

Lets not forget one of the main lines in the film...."they can be a good people Kal-El, if they wish to be, it is for this reason, their capacity for good, that i send them you....MY ONLY SON"

sound familiar....? If not read John 3:16

Postby megan » Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:46 pm

I saw the movie last night, and I thought the exact same thing! I was like WOW. And I stayed up really late finding correlations between things in the movie, and the Bible. It all fits so perfectly... and I really liked how you compared the names... I never thought about that.

Postby Liv » Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:32 pm

I've got to go see it in IMAX 3D... I've just got to figure out where the IMAX theater is in Raleigh.
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Postby Sanjuro » Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:44 pm

^^^ I'm pretty sure its right in the middle of downtown.
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Postby SupermanHimself » Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:15 pm

Okay first of all the connection to jesus has been made a million times before so what you're saying is nothing special. The truth is that Superman is not Jesus but Moses. His parents sent him away in a hand made vessel (Like moses down the Nile) to a specified location without the knowlege of the recievors. This is the same between the kents which Jor-El knew were kind people and the Pharoah's daughter who was kind hearted and took care of Moses even though she knew he might have been jewish. Niether Kal-El nor Moses knew they were Alien/Jewish and so they were able to escape criticism, but they knew something was different about them. When moses was old enough he was brought to the cave enclosing the burning bush in complete solitude, (The fortress) where he spoke to an angel of God (Jor-El). I don't know how much more you need to realize that the connection between Superman and Jesus is no more significant that the connection between Boba Fett's jet pack and Joseph's Worktable.

Postby JEWEL » Thu Jun 29, 2006 7:33 pm

I totally agree Liv... i just saw the movie last night and the quote totally supported it.. for example Clark says to Lois "You wrote that the world doesn't need a saviour, but every day I hear people crying for one." Jorel says to Clark, "Even though you've been raised as a human being you're not one of them. They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son"--- Jesus all over it baby...

Postby Liv » Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:25 pm

Superman Returns the movie, was the most awesomest piece of motion picture film-work I've yet to see come out of Hollywood. I loved the movie. I am also now, madly in love with Superman.

Let me explain if you haven't seen this movie yet, exactly why I wouldn't recommend taking your husband or wife to go see it. If your male and you take your wife, she will most certainly not think of you any time soon when your making nookie. Furthermore, if your female and you take your husband or boyfriend to go see this movie, he will instantly turn gay, leave you and the kids, and become one of those court TV wackos stalking the actor who plays Superman.... he's that hot.

Of course none of us will ever get to be with Superman, nor have his baby, because of that darn bitch Lois Lane. What so special about some chick who writes for a newspaper? Heck, I've got my own darn website and the only guy I see in tights, who is interested in me, is our neighborhood homeless guy named "backyard barney." We won't even get into how he got the name "backyard Barney." Let's just say this is the same guy who pushes a lawnmower up and down my street without ever mowing anything, and claims if you ask him how his day is, that he once dated a bean burrito from Taco Bell.

Anyhow. The movie was freaking awesome. Very respectful to the original, while totally captivating a new generation of Superman fans. While I refuse to ruin the movie for all of you who haven't seen it, I will without a doubt tell you that I am now 100% sure of the Superman is Jesus correlation. Furthermore we find out Jesus, I mean Superman might have had a child in this film. Some one at the Davinci Code must have been hanging out on the Superman Returns set. If you thought your last shag was good, could you imagine having Superman Sex?

The question is why do we love Superman? Is it perhaps that he embodies all that we as humans wish we could be. Is it the good, to which we could all strive to do? Or is it just being able to have faith that someone stronger and greater than us can protect us. To me I think Superman represents the personification of the human spirit. It is for that matter, some sort of representational idol of what good and bad is, what we wish we could be not only in morals and ethics but also physically embodiment. We wish we could stop airplanes from crashing, but are powerless to do so. We wish we could muster the strength to stop buildings from falling down, or to stop loved ones from dieing. In the end we are left with only one of Superman's so called talents, and that's being able to pass on the traits of the parents to the children. The Kryptonite & Crystal embodying the minerals traits of one another. Knowing that by doing so, we are immortal, we are the super-race. We are the supermen, and women that we imagined we always were.
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Postby Maverick » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:59 am

i never heard about the jesus-superman connection before...
but last day i went to see the movie..after coming out,i had no doubt in mind abt it...
the similarities abound
i want to know who wrote the story???

Postby Liv » Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:02 pm

From Time Magazine:

He is not a super man, he is a God, sent by his heavenly father (Jor-El) to protect earth.... He is Earth's savior: Jesus Christ Superman

And since he has sired a boy who is part human, he could be the Jesus of the Gnostic Gospels. And Lois? Mary Magdalene!
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Postby superdude98 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:50 pm

NO... Lois does not represent Mary Magdelene... Lois represents the Church (the Bride of Christ), that is why Clark/Superman loves her

Postby Liv » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:41 pm

I think I like the Mary version better.
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Postby skeptical_sally » Tue Jul 04, 2006 3:38 am

this is an interesting concept. i think a lot of it is just us putting this together in our minds though. superman is the savior of the dc continum. he was created as the perfect man. truth, justice and the american way! you know, all that jazz. the only reason we see him as jesus or moses is because he, like them, is a prophet sent by a higher life-form in hopes of making our world a better place. these connections are merely coincidence or perhaps the writers are just trying to make us see the light in all this.

Postby Liv » Tue Jul 04, 2006 3:52 am

I think you might be right, in the original incarnations, but in this latest version, I think there was a definite understanding from the beginning of filming what subtext was being used.
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Postby Clark » Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:15 am

Check out the book The Gospel According to the World's Greatest Superhero. It covers the parallels in detail. Like quoting the director of Superman Retuns, Bryan Singer, when he said, "Superman is the Jesus Christ of superheroes" and Superman Returns is "about what happens when Messiahs come back." Hmmmm...

Postby Jovick » Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:37 pm

I liked the original book better myself. I think they call it the bible....

Postby liz » Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:28 pm

As I watched Superman Returns I was surprised by all of the parallels between Jesus and Superman. My friend I was watching the movie with said the same thing as we were walking out of the theatre. Here are all the parallels I came up with:

- Lex basically calls Clark a god. He says, "Gods are selfish beings who fly around in little red capes and don't share their power with mankind. No, I don't want to be a God. I just want to bring fire to the people. And I want my cut."

- The previous quote also shows the parallel between Lex Luther and Lucifer. Lucifer was envious of God and wanted to be like God in power, glory, etc.

- Jar-El says, "I have sent them you, my ONLY son." God did the same thing.

- Jar-El uses terms like "the light" and "the way" which is what Jesus said of Himself (John 14:6).

- Like Clark, Jesus was rejected by those He loved and came to save (i.e. Lois's "Why the World Does not Need Superman" article).

- El, which ends the name of both Clark and his father (Jar-El and Kal-El) means God him Hebrew. I'm not sure what Jar and Kal mean, but one source said Jar-El means fear/awe of God and Kal-El means voice of God, while another source said that Jar (Yur) means true and Kal means all, every, entirely.

- Both Clark and Jesus voluntarily "die" to save the world and experience a resurrection.

- Clark, in his death, must carry a heavy burden, which for Jesus, was the burden of carrying our sins.

(When they showed the empty hospital room, I half expected to see Clarks hospital attire neatly folded on the bed as Jesus burial cloths were neatly folded in the empty tomb. I was relieved that this was not the case.)

- Jesus and Clark have supernatural power.

- Both Jar-El and Kal-El tell their sons, "The son becomes the father, and the father the son". Jesus often said "I and the Father are One" and other similar statements.

- at one point in the movie, Lois, who is an expert on Superman, laugh over the fact that Clark matches the height and weight of Superman. Similarly, the Jews, who were experts on the prophesied Messiah, missed all of the signs that Jesus might be their Savior and that He fulfilled all of the prophesies.

Of course there are also some striking differences between Clark and Jesus. For example, they were sent to earth for different purposes, Jesus never hid his identity, Jesus was God in human flesh; Clark was an alien, Clark has an Scripturally immoral relationship with Lois, the Bible teaches that there in no goodness in man, while Superman Returns suggests that with a little guidance, man can achieve this in his own strength and finally, unlike Clark, Jesus never abandoned Earth.

Okay... you get the point. What I cannot understand is why the 2 men who came up with Superman made such a strong parallel between Jesus and Superman when, as Jews they would not believe that Jesus was the Messiah or a true Saviour-figure. Any ideas?

Postby Hitch536 » Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:42 am

I agree with the observations on the similarities between Superman and Jesus. I couldn't help but notice it as I watched this movie....What really intrigued me was Superman's Birth name, Kal-El. Already knowing that El meant "of God", I was interested in knowing what "Kal" might have meant. At 1st I did not make the connection when I learned it meant "voice". Later I realized that Kal El can be considered synonomous to "Word of God". Jesus is God's greatest oracle and is often referred to as the "Word of God"(Read the 1st chapter of the Gospel of John and you'll see what I mean). I'm convinced this was no coincidence either.

Postby newsandblues » Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:14 am

You missed a couple. How about when Superman "sacrificed" himself to save the world on the "cross" of kryptonite?! THEN...and I was waiting to see....he was in the hospital for , yep you guessed it...3 days before he rose again!
This stuff is fascinating. I've been learning about how there is a new "godman" with all the same elements to his story, about every 2000 years. Mithra was around before Jesus (was supposed to have lived). And others before them. I was wondering if the globalist controllers were setting up Superman to be the next messiah!

Last bumped by Liv on Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:14 am.

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