By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:45 am
Julian Beaver
I stumbled upon the anamorphic street chalk drawings of Julian Beaver, a English artist who can take 100% flat images he creates and brings them into 3-D by the art of morphing. By looking at the anamorphic images from the correct angle, the picture seems to defy the laws of perspective.
All I can say is wow!
By wout
Guest Columnist
Published: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:14 am
he's belgian! as a belgian myself i'm quite proud of this guy, so give him the right nationality please
By Kristin
Guest Columnist
Published: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:35 am
I noticed that you have posted about Julian Beever and his artwork on your blog in the past, and I thought you would be interested in his newest creation.
My agency recently worked with Julian to create the “Fountain of Youth” in Union Square in NYC a few weeks ago. We recorded a video of how he works and posted it on YouTube. You can check it out here:
It’s the first video we’ve seen produced of how he creates his amazing pavement drawings. Check it out, see what you think, and pass it along if you like it.
Let me know if you’d like to know more about the campaign. _________________ Kristin Foster
Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
360 Digital Influence