Dec 21 2012

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Published on July 6th, 2007, 5:20 pm
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First everyone who has high-speed is required to play this song while reading the following post.

So I stayed up way too late last night. Stayed up and watched the history Channel's take on the year 2012. I find it oddly ironic that the "History" channel is showing me something that is supposed to occur in the "future," but I digress.

Supposedly 2012 is the year we go boom. Yes, I know, my first thought was, "rubbish- people have been saying this for centuries". Someone creates a date, a date we're all going to die, it comes, and nothing happens.

But this time it's supposed to be different. This time multi-historical references, including the most threatening: The Mayan calendar, states all is doomed on a December day in the year 2012. Now the Mayans never impressed me much. After all, their descendants "The Mexicans" named my much loved Taco Bell Burrito after their little burros. Yes that's right the same people who tell me I'm eating a miniature Donkey somehow have predicted the end of life as we know it. How's that for vendetta, anti-immigration supporters?

Basically the show says the earth tilts off axis, and thereby all of us monopoly pieces get thrown into the sun. Or atleast that's one theory.

Supposedly this same doomsday scenario is also supported by Merlin, John the Baptist, and several other whack-jobs throughout time.

The difference though this time, the show suggests, is that the track record for the prophets who predict this event in 2012 has been flawless up till this point.

The date is December 21st, 2012, and that's when the Mayan calendar ends. Even if we would survive, the Mayans would have no clue what day it is, and that's reason enough to call it quits on 2012. This of course will piss off numerous Christian's hoping to get one last Christmas in before Armageddon, but what's a believer to do? You've maxed on your visa at Toys R'US but never get to play with your toys. Damn those Mayans and their anti-christian end game.

The program goes on to suggest that this is a repetitive event, a cycle if you will, and we will be entering the 5th time that this has happened. This part I believe. I don't think this is the first attempt man has had a technological world.

But here is where it gets interesting. It's not just Merlin, the Chinese, or even Revelations that state 2012 is the day the world ends. It's technology. Algorithmically math based software bots that collect key phrases from the Internet and compile them into statistical data has pointed to the year 2012. This same software predicted 9/11, Katrina, and the Killer Tsunami. It's now predicting the events of 2012 to begin by 2009 with a the equivalent of a nuclear detonation.

Still Skeptical?

Sybil, the roman prophet, prophesied 2012 and she's held by Christians in high regard as she predicted the birth of Jesus.

We've mentioned Merlin, but remember this guy predicted the first colony of the new world thousands of years before it actually was discovered.

Then there is Mother Shipton, who predicted the Spanish Armada, the death of Henry the VIII, WWI, WWII, and Queen Victoria by name.

The Hopi Indians have done a little bit more by actually producing a national radio ad describing the Hopi's predictions of the 2012 disaster.

Next is the Chinese and their "I Ching" or book of change. It's one of the oldest Chinese texts in the world, and even though it sounds like "I Pod", or "I Phone", it clearly states "I Die" in the year 2012. To be more precise, the IChing follows an exact time line derived from symbols that ends in the year 2012.

Even Einstein hinted at a theoretical disaster of pole re-alignment back in good ole 1955. He suggested this occasional natural occurring resetting of the earth is a repetitive feature of our planet.

The commonality of all these profits, are that they all independently decided 2012 is zero day: the end of time.

Perhaps Carl Sagan said it best when he stated "We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it's forever."

Is it all coincidence, or merely vague promises we've fitted to our idea of Armageddon. Will 2012 come and go, or will it truly be the end of the world as we know it?
July 6th, 2007, 5:20 pm
Is it all coincidence, or merely vague promises we've fitted to our idea of Armageddon. Yes

Will 2012 come and go, or will it truly be the end of the world as we know it?I won't be losing any sleep.

I've looked into the Mayan Calendar thing and it's just an example of a programing rollover. Like the Y2K issue.

I hadn't heard about the IChing correspondence so I looked it up and after a bunch of pseudoscience invoking fractals found this spark of genius

2012 minus 67 years = 1945, a year of great change

2012 minus 4,300 years (67x64) = 2300 BC, the beginning of historical time

2012 minus 275,000 years (4300 x 64) = the emergence of Homo sapiens

2012 minus 18 million years (275,000 x 64) = the height of the age of mammals

2012 minus 1.3 billion years = the beginning of life on our planet
How incredibly convincing. To have nailed such momentous occasions as 'the beginning of historical time' and 'the height of the age of mammals' with such precision.

It's all just earnest new-age-psychic-pseudo-science-numerology-astrology bull$hit. the only link they missed was counting the bumps on people's heads.
Obviously you do not know what a hyperbolic chamber actually is. That's ok. I'm used to you pretending to know what you are talking about BecauseHeLives, 2009 August 16
July 7th, 2007, 11:23 am
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So the 2012 in the Mayan calendar is merely a design flaw of it's capabilities rather then a calendar that actually is able to mark end of time?

Why would they state this in the instruction book?

Does this mean that all these other "prophets" are merely vague enough for us to embed this mistaken belief in the Mayan calendar in it?
July 7th, 2007, 2:04 pm
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The Mayan calendar uses a system of cycles. The Long Count is the one that has paranormalists and apocalypsians exited.

The long count is simply a count of days past a notional starting date (early fall 3114 BCE) Mayans used a base 20 counting system, but for the long count an exception was made for the second place which used base 18, 18 x 20 = 360 to approximate solar years) With 5 places the long count can count up to 5215 solar years - hence the magic date in 2012 (no year 0 remember)

However there is evidence that the Mayans understood longer time sequences but 5 digits 'ought to be enough for anyone'. Much as our system ends at 9999, we'll likely just add another digit and have dates like 12 December 10002.

As for other prophet, I could look at each in turn if I was interested enough.

I do know something about the "Mother Shipton" phenomena. Her predictions are in no way vague and if genuine would be truly remarkable. Since there is no authentic copy of her predictions they seem to be the work of at least three people, who 'found' additional writings after the events. The second of these was Charles Hindley who described the world of the 1800's. This second round included a prediction of the end of the world in 1881.

The appeal to Einstein (it's amazing the power of that name - it evokes an image if remarkable intellect and infallibility and every kooky pseudo-science tries to co-opt him) goes to the Charles Hindley hypothesis of pole shift. The idea is that a build up of ice at the poles or an impact with a comet or asteroid would cause the Earth to become unstable, wobble and change the axis of rotation. There is some evidence that this has happened but the theory is still disputed.
Apparently Hapgood exchanged letters with Einstein who wrote that the idea of earth crust displacement should not be ruled out "apriori" just because it didn't fit with what we wanted to believe about the earth's past. Einstein wrote that solid "geological and paleontological facts" were needed. Good advice, especially cosidering that Einstein was not a geologist. I was not aware that Hapgood has predicted a date for one.

As for Sybil, Merlin etc, to give the prophecies any consideration I would have to be able to read them and be assured of their provenance. Which for Merlin could be a bit tricky.

But the great thing is that the prophecy is being made before the event, at the very least the back pedalling in 2013 should prove entertaining.
Obviously you do not know what a hyperbolic chamber actually is. That's ok. I'm used to you pretending to know what you are talking about BecauseHeLives, 2009 August 16
July 7th, 2007, 8:04 pm
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You know I saw the same history channel show and it caused a small existential crisis for me. Being at the proverbial mid-life, makes me interested in time. But after several weeks, I have come away with the thought of "what the frick am I doing with the time I've been given." Because whether it ends in 2012, 3012 or 8012. At some point the time of humans ends. Then what does all the stuff in between add up too if there is no one around to read the book or see the movie. And maybe the prophets all thought that by 2001, humans would become so completely detached from existence that they would need the scare of an end of days to make them live in the present, stop worrying about all the silly things, that in the end are just a waste of their time. Or maybe in the morning of December 22, 2012, we won't wake up. So what did all this time mean?

A Person wrote:The Mayan calendar uses a system of cycles. The Long Count is the one that has paranormalists and apocalypsians exited.

The long count is simply a count of days past a notional starting date (early fall 3114 BCE) Mayans used a base 20 counting system, but for the long count an exception was made for the second place which used base 18, 18 x 20 = 360 to approximate solar years) With 5 places the long count can count up to 5215 solar years - hence the magic date in 2012 (no year 0 remember)

However there is evidence that the Mayans understood longer time sequences but 5 digits 'ought to be enough for anyone'. Much as our system ends at 9999, we'll likely just add another digit and have dates like 12 December 10002.

As for other prophet, I could look at each in turn if I was interested enough.

I do know something about the "Mother Shipton" phenomena. Her predictions are in no way vague and if genuine would be truly remarkable. Since there is no authentic copy of her predictions they seem to be the work of at least three people, who 'found' additional writings after the events. The second of these was Charles Hindley who described the world of the 1800's. This second round included a prediction of the end of the world in 1881.

The appeal to Einstein (it's amazing the power of that name - it evokes an image if remarkable intellect and infallibility and every kooky pseudo-science tries to co-opt him) goes to the Charles Hindley hypothesis of pole shift. The idea is that a build up of ice at the poles or an impact with a comet or asteroid would cause the Earth to become unstable, wobble and change the axis of rotation. There is some evidence that this has happened but the theory is still disputed.
Apparently Hapgood exchanged letters with Einstein who wrote that the idea of earth crust displacement should not be ruled out "apriori" just because it didn't fit with what we wanted to believe about the earth's past. Einstein wrote that solid "geological and paleontological facts" were needed. Good advice, especially cosidering that Einstein was not a geologist. I was not aware that Hapgood has predicted a date for one.

As for Sybil, Merlin etc, to give the prophecies any consideration I would have to be able to read them and be assured of their provenance. Which for Merlin could be a bit tricky.

But the great thing is that the prophecy is being made before the event, at the very least the back pedalling in 2013 should prove entertaining.
November 20th, 2007, 12:41 pm
Guy In Connecticut
Mayan Leader: We need a calendar

Mayan Calendar Dude: OK, so how long do we want to write this thing? Until next harvest? 5 harvests?

Mayan Leader: We're pretty awesome. So I think we'll need a few hundred years worth since we'll be ruling everything for a while.

Mayan Calendar Dude: Are you stupid or something? That will take me all day and into the night! I have a date with the new tribal toe nail bighter. She's hot!

Mayan Leader: Ok you little bastard... you question my authority? Make it a few thousand years!

Mayan Calendar Dude: Fine! <under his breath> But I'm scrwing you out of the last visit from the funky red god in the chariot that brings the gifts.
November 20th, 2007, 1:10 pm
Look back on all the prophecies that have been made about the end of the world. In context, there was lots of evidence during their time to support this dooms day.

Now, look at how intelligent and advanced society is now. It would make sense that in order to make this event "believable" it would have to be supported by some intense [pseudo]science and historical facts. "Man needs chaos..." Out of our intelligence and technological advances we've given birth to this NEW IMPROVED doomsday event. Yes it has been predicted for a while now, but we've taken it to the extreme by researching and connecting all the events that support such a catastrophe.

What are our top most and key innovations and inventions of today's society? We prize out technological advances. We cannot separate ourselves from our technology- without it we would not be able to exist. Well, what is the worst possible scenario that could happen...the crash of our technological system. Put in the fear of nuclear weapons and you've got a banging doomsday theory.

Thats just how I view it.
This time is no different that the time before this, and the time before that, and the time before that...they are just relevant to their current time period.

<3 Dreads
November 20th, 2007, 6:15 pm
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The truth is, (at least to me) is that no matter how fictitious events are, some odd elements are at work in this universe that often cause the unusual to coincide with our ideas. Maybe it is just coincidence, but how else do you explain the full court basketball shot that is thrown in the last few seconds of the game and goes in to win.

It's it's merely statistics, and we state for x amount of games, % of X is going to result in shots that go in. Sure they were just the underdog, sure this, sure that....

But even if you approach the situation mathematically, the odds.... as long as doomsday does exist.... is that one day we're going to get it right....

so why not 2012.

If there isn't some phenomenon akin to karma and irony, perhaps it will be perpetuated by are own belief that this going to happen. We self fulfill 2012 because we in our mental relatedness want it to happen. Based on the evidence, I can see no reason why 2012 wouldn't be the perfect date to doom us all to death.
November 20th, 2007, 6:58 pm
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Liv wrote:The truth is, (at least to me) is that no matter how fictitious events are, some odd elements are at work in this universe that often cause the unusual to coincide with our ideas. Maybe it is just coincidence, but how else do you explain the full court basketball shot that is thrown in the last few seconds of the game and goes in to win.

I respect your beliefs. It's understandable how certain things in life seem to happen, not by chance or coincidence, but by some sort of "divine" intervention. [Divine in the sense that certain things happen beyond our control, and there is SOMETHING out there controlling the actions that happen in life]

For me, I believe that man needs to believe that there is something controlling the cosmos that we are unaware of. Certain things happen that seem beyond chance or coincidence. But I believe that comes from the nature of humans to fear things that seem out of their control. The belief that there is something influencing such actions in life gets rid of the fear of the unknown. It is beyond comprehension that events in life are merely coincidental. It fills the gap that makes man fearful and makes life a lot less vague.

For me, this gap doesn't make me fearful, but curious. I accept that man cannot have a full comprehension of life, and that certain things are beyond our understanding.

I dunno, that's just the way I feel about things.

Also...I apologize for the reply I made about you little girl. Sometimes I make rash comments when I'm in a mood [I'm bipolar, WTF] She is a precious child, and I hope the best for her.

<3 Dreads
November 20th, 2007, 7:24 pm
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"Why worry?"--Alfred E. Newman
If we believe there is an "end," we are automatically also believing in fate or something like it. Humans like to find patterns and meaning in everything. The existence of mathematics should be enough to illustrate that point. Have you ever looked at a cloud and seen a face? or a rabbit? or an elephant? Same thing, sort of... we are always looking for ways to find patterns and meaning. In this case, we are gathering bits and pieces of so-called prophecies and squishing them together to come up with an end-times. I will agree with the statement that 2012 is as good a time as any for us all to become worm food, but I'm not sure I believe in fate that much to say there is a "set date" for the end of time. Besides, any or all of us could die in unrelated events tomorrow. It seems best to focus on today and be like Alfred E. Newman when looking at the future. Besides, he always made me laugh.
Good topic, by the way. I like the discussion.
November 20th, 2007, 9:52 pm
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I think this argument can be summed uo as "Weird (expletive) happens, so why shouldn't it happen in 2012?"

No reason, but then there's no reason it will either.
November 20th, 2007, 10:16 pm
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A Person wrote:I think this argument can be summed uo as "Weird sh*t happens, so why shouldn't it happen in 2012?"

No reason, but then there's no reason it will either.

DUDE WATS WRONG W/ U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 day x 64
x 6
= 384 days
= 13 lunar months

384 days
x 64
= 67 years, 104.25 days
= 6 minor sunspot cycles (11.2 years each)

67 years, 104.25 days
x 64
= 4306+ years
= 2 Zodiacal ages

4306+ years
x 6
= 25836 years
= 1 precession of the equinoxes

2012 minus 67 years = 1945, a year of great change

2012 minus 4,300 years (67x64) = 2300 BC, the beginning of historical time

2012 minus 275,000 years (4300 x 64) = the emergence of Homo sapiens

2012 minus 18 million years (275,000 x 64) = the height of the age of mammals

2012 minus 1.3 billion years = the beginning of life on our planet

According to their calendar, the Maya believed that their world would end on Dec 21, 2012. Of all the dates put forth by prophets and cultures for a doomsday, this is one with an authentic almost eerie feel to it. But what will happen? A global cataclysm is one possibility. Presented here is enough information to help you decide - be you an expert or a beginner.
April 18th, 2008, 10:39 pm
Yeah "dude" what's wrong with you??!! :lol:
John Cleese: The audience is too uninformed. I blame the Americans. Nation of obese, violent, pig-ignorant, bible-thumping morons contaminating world culture. That’s why I spend most of my time here in France.. Beautiful isn’t it? Just look at those olive trees.

Interviewer: This is Santa Barbara.
April 18th, 2008, 10:54 pm
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WATS RONG W/ME??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

LET ME TRY 2 EXPLAN IN WERDZ ULL UNDRSTND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I R NOT STOOPID THAZ WUTS WRONG W/ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NAO 4 MOAR TECHNICAL EXPLANASHUN.................................................


OR IZ DAT JUS 2 MAK TEH MATH WERK OUT 4 U???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Y O Y IZ THAR SO LOTZ DA STOOPID PEEPS???????????????????????????????
Obviously you do not know what a hyperbolic chamber actually is. That's ok. I'm used to you pretending to know what you are talking about BecauseHeLives, 2009 August 16
April 19th, 2008, 10:42 am
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Guest wrote: Presented here is enough information to help you decide - be you an expert or a beginner.

Maybe for you. If these guys knew so damn much, why weren't they prepared for the Spanish, and why did they make the mistake of taking them for gods when they arrived? Seems to me that their "world" ended a good bit sooner than they were predicting.

The "world" ain't going anywhere. At least not until our sun snuffs it in a few billion years. Humans, however, may be facing a problem. But to think anybody did or can predict anything that precisely is ridiculous.
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. -- Albert Camus

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April 19th, 2008, 1:47 pm
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The one thing is for sure, we should know in a short time here.

I'll be glad to accept anyone's fortunes who don't think they'll need them after 2012.
William Killick: You have a raindrop running down your cheek, just like a tear.
April 19th, 2008, 2:30 pm
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In Russia, Father Pyotr's last followers finally have decided to leave the cave where they promised to wait for the Apocalypse. Final death toll from this lunacy: 2.

I always find it a sad thing to see any group of people who decide to toss away their natural born ability to think for themselves and let some holy-book-thumping idiot make their decisions in life for them. This "prophet" is currently getting treatment for mental illness... too bad the two who died thanks to his insanity can't be helped any more. :evil:
May 16th, 2008, 5:49 am
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I just want to know (not that I'd ever do it,) but how does one get into the prophet business? I mean surely first you must decide you're "Jesus" or whatever, but by what method do you actually get people to listen to you, and follow you into a cave? I watched that NGC cult of some guy out here in BFE who thought he was Jesus, and he brought his congregation along. Can't a normal person be Jesus?
William Killick: You have a raindrop running down your cheek, just like a tear.
May 16th, 2008, 8:40 am
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No one has been able to predict anything & no one will not be able to predict the end of the world either.
June 29th, 2008, 7:31 pm
Actually predicting is the easy part, making them come true takes the talent.

But... I'm leaning towards this 2012 thing.... I think we need to plan a huge party on Dec 20th.
I'm talking massive going out in style party.
William Killick: You have a raindrop running down your cheek, just like a tear.
June 29th, 2008, 8:41 pm
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Just make sure you can afford the bill on Dec 21.
Obviously you do not know what a hyperbolic chamber actually is. That's ok. I'm used to you pretending to know what you are talking about BecauseHeLives, 2009 August 16
June 30th, 2008, 9:58 am
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That's not the American way....
William Killick: You have a raindrop running down your cheek, just like a tear.
June 30th, 2008, 1:07 pm
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Fellow Travelers:
December 21, 2001 is a date that will mark events unequaled in Earth History. I am a 62 year old man. A Hospice Patient confined in a Nursing Home in Boise Idaho. 3 years ago I was given 6 month to live...go figure. I search the internet to find out why I am still around. After reading the revelations of the Hopi Elders this summer, I am convinced that things are already starting to go to hell, in a hand basket. Panic, fear, and all that goes along with them are of no use. What everyone needs to do is look deeply inside themselves, turn to their God, and pray for Love and Peace. Spread the Word. Live the philosophy of, "Ama et Fac Quod Vis" (Love and do as you will). If a majority of people lived their lives like this and encouraged others to Pass It On, then maybe we can pull our asses out of the fire. Just my thoughts, I plan on doing this and will sit in my recliner and watch the world go to hell. TkX, Patrick McShane.

October 16th, 2008, 1:36 pm
Patrick McShane
Patrick McShane wrote:"Ama et Fac Quod Vis" (Love and do as you will).

Sounds a bit witchy to me :)
Obviously you do not know what a hyperbolic chamber actually is. That's ok. I'm used to you pretending to know what you are talking about BecauseHeLives, 2009 August 16
October 16th, 2008, 2:50 pm
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All you need is love.
William Killick: You have a raindrop running down your cheek, just like a tear.
October 16th, 2008, 7:52 pm
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