The Truth Behind the Haunting on Payne Road
Published on May 23rd, 2008, 10:56 pm Rift: X |
Published on May 23rd, 2008, 10:56 pm Rift: X |
Liv wrote:This morning on the radio they were talking about a ghost story on payne rd but it's not coming up on Yahoo Maps? Anyone know where it is? I want to go and investigate.
Liv wrote:Anyone know what the haunted/murder house in Jamestown is called? We use to talk about it all the time at Ragsdale?
michael818 wrote: I dislike the word psychic, as it has a negative connotaion in most circles.
If there's a ghost, we can find it, if we can't find evidence, we'll tell you strait up.
Nfidel wrote:michael818 wrote: I dislike the word psychic, as it has a negative connotaion in most circles.
As does "sensitive" among the more skeptical.If there's a ghost, we can find it, if we can't find evidence, we'll tell you strait up.
How do you know when you've found every ghost, in say, a house? How can you prove your claim that all ghosts at a location have been located? What is the scientific data you use to verify a ghost's presence? Its absence? I'm just asking.
Thanks for the link to the website. I'll check it out when I have the time.
You sound quite familiar. Do I know you from another forum... say the LAWSON one?
michael818 wrote:It's not about specific ghosts, really. Using instruments such as EMF detectors, IR thermometers, gauss meters, etc..., we can detect or debunk paranormal activity at a location. If you'll note, I said if we can't find evidence, we will tell you. Lack of evidence does NOT mean that nothing paranormal has ever taken place in a location.
michael818 wrote:These prankster spirits CAN be annoying. It's a hard call. If it IS some dead plumber, try simply ignoring everything he does, and hold to that, no matter what. He might simply get bored with it all and move on if you ignore it. You might also try telling him to go away, firmly, and with determination. Though I'm not big on the Spiritist stuff, saying something like "It's time to move on into the Light" may, just MAY, work. Or you could try a deal. If he'll shut up and not stink the place up, you won't gag him to death with Lysol!!!
If it is a elemental ( a spirit that has never lived , at least in the sense WE mean it!), you might have a real problem on your hands. Honestly, a farting ghost just isn't at the top of our priority list to come for. If he were THROWING feces, it would be more detrimental to your health, and I would suggest someone who could exorcise it. As it is, I'd just ignore it as best as you can, or try to lay down the law.
michael818 wrote:we use scientific methods
michael818 wrote:When I was 13, I saw my maternal grandfather standing at the foot of my bed... two days AFTER he died! I was NOT aslpeep, in fact, I was sitting up in bed reading. he spoke a personal message to me, then vanished before my eyes. I also saw evidence of unseen things when I was at ASU, including faucets turning on and off (you could SEE the knobs turn!!!), and what appeared to be human bite marks, teeth clearly delineated, dead center of a man's back... there was no one else around to have caused this. Besides this, I NEED no evidence, though, but I still seem to find it MOST of the time. My Christian faith says there is an afterlife, and the first ghost story I remember is in the OLD TESTAMENT, so I believe on faith alone. Our group, though, even though we have people who are attuned to things, including me to a limited extent, we use scientific methods, so people cannot simply dismiss what we find out of hand.
Sanjuro wrote:michael818 wrote:we use scientific methods
Can you explain this? What do you use as your 'base'? I see you've used EMF detectors etc. but there has never been any credible scientific evidence that a strong EMF field was nothing more than a natural magnetic/man made caused event. Certainly nothing that has proven Ghosts cause it (since Ghosts haven't been proved). So how can you run around with those devices claiming detection? Seems like a lot of fun, but a terrible representation of the Scientific method. No offense, I guess I just question your methodology.
Oh, and why not just go ahead and register here?